Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun

We have been so busy the last week with many Halloween festivals. First there was a Fall Festival at my elementary school. Austin enjoyed the cake walk (even though we didn't win), but hated siting on the hay.

The next day was the Fall Fun Fall at Rotary Park. Here Austin got to play some games. He loved the duck pond, and even tried to climb into it. He also enjoyed the fishing game. Grandpa even joined in on the fun.

Tonight we are going to Fright Night which is a street fair one block from our house. It should be a good time. Pictures to come soon.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Austin was so quick to sit up and to crawl we thought he would have no problem with walking. He took 2 steps about a month ago and it freaked him out and now he doesn't want to even try. He loves cruising on the furniture and walking if you hold both his hands (and it has to be BOTH). Grandma sent him his hippo for his birthday and he loves pushing it. Maybe this will give him some more confidence to walk by himself!

Crazy Dancing Baby

Austin loves to do this crazy dance. He loves to smile and watch us while he is dancing. He will dance to music or without, he doesn't care!

Oh no

So Scott and I found the perfect costume for Austin for Halloween. We were so excited to get it (it was ordered online). It is such a great costume, except Austin HATES it!! So I guess we are sending it back, and are back to finding a new costume for him!

So Many New Toys!

Austin received so many nice things for his birthday. He loves them all! Here are some pics of him playing. Thank you everyone!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yum Yum

For the most part Austin has been a good eater. He is starting to get a little more picky about his foods though. We continue to offer him lots of new foods. Here was his first try with spaghetti. I thought he was going to get a lot messier than he did!