Tuesday, July 29, 2008

10 months old

I can't believe Austin is already 10 months old. He has changed so much and totally seems more like a toddler than a baby. He is a super fast crawler and moves pretty quickly with cruising as well. He has let go a couple of times, but it seems to really surprise him..like omg I am standing all by myself. He really is a sweet boy.

Austin has been spoiled the last few months by getting to sleep with us in our bed. He loves to cuddle and sleeps so well this way. However, with me returning to work soon I doubt the daycare will sleep with his this way! So we have been working on sleep training. Man, is this hard. Austin HATES it! The first night was the worst, but the second night was better. When Scott and I went to bed this is how we found him in his crib. Maybe he thought the bear was Da-da. Who knows....it made me giggle as soon as I saw him. Glad he didn't wake up. I moved the bear and Austin slept until 2:30. We'll keep working on it and hope Austin learns to sleep on his own soon....with little to no crying!

Family Time

We enjoyed having Aunt Becky stop by Havasu after her trip to Mexico. It allowed for some fun family time. We were all sad when she returned back home to Hawaii. Here are some random shots from when she was here.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Austin loves playing with his toys.

Pet the giraffe

This isn't a cookie?

Legos at Grandpa and Grandma's house


Austin loves doing his chores....

He does dishes

He vacuums the floor

He helps clean the bathroom

He even helps make dinner

First Day on the Lake

With Auntie Becky visiting and Grandpa back in town we decided to take the jet ski down to the lake. It was a perfect day, and Austin absolutely loved it! He splashed in the waves, floated in his raft, and even had a short jet ski ride.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fun at Grandma's

After Austin got used to being at Grandma's house, he really had a good time. Grandma had lots of fun toys for him to play with. One of my favorites was a hippo ride on/push toy. I pushed Austin around on it, and he really liked it. By the end of our trip he figured out how to push it on his own, as long as it didn't go too fast.

Here are some cute pics of Austin at Grandma's House:


Daddy ended up having to work on the 4th, but he made it home in time to take us to see the fireworks. Even though Austin was very tired, he still seemed to really enjoy the show. He was reaching up to try and touch the fireworks. It was so cute.


On our second to last day in STL, our camera disappeared. We have no idea what happened to it, so we lost all our pictures from out vacation. We are relying on any other family and friends to pass on any pics you may have taken. They will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks Aunt Sandy for printing some pics for us!