Well this year Austin has decided that Santa is scary. Scott didn't even want to take him to see Santa because he was worried that Austin would freak out. I said that I wanted to take him even if it meant that we had a screaming scared picture. Well, it actually went better than I thought. Austin was a little hesitant, but Santa let us all sit together to let Austin get used to him. Then we had Austin sit on Santa's lap, and we got a one cute picture before he started to cry. Hooray! Austin wishes everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Austin loves to climb and get into mischief. Here is where I found him today! He even got all the way in and was able to turn himself around, but I missed the shot.
Austin is loving all the decorations for Christmas, especially the lights. If the Christmas tree is not turned on in the morning, he will point to it and make a hissing sound until you turn it on.
Usually Austin HATES hats and rips them off his head as fast as he can. But for some reason he decided that he wanted to wear his Santa hat all over the house. He had it on for about 10 minutes. It looked like there was a little elf running all over the house.
Austin has grown so much since last Christmas. Here is him in the same hat one year ago. We had to tuck it behind his head becuase it was too big!
Before the weather got nasty, we took Austin to the park. He wasn't really in the mood to play on the equipment, but he LOVED walking on the sidewalk. He even found a pinecone that he thought was so cool!
We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving here in Havasu. It was so nice to visit with family that we hadn't seen in a while. Austin loved being in center stage. He loved playing new games with different people. Tricks he learned over the holiday...how to spin in a circle, how to climb up onto the couch, and how to become a master drummer!
So we have had a BIG weekend. Austin has been taking anywhere from a step to about five steps when he's feeling brave. I knew once he figured it out, he would be on the go....well he figured it out this weekend!!! I will post a video very soon.
So other than that, all 3 of us are fighting a cold. Austin will not sleep more than 3 hours without waking up screaming. So far it's been 2 nights of that. Please let it stop tonight!!!
Austin got his 7th tooth on Friday. He is now sticking out his tongue and playing knock knock on anything he can knock on!
We have been so busy the last week with many Halloween festivals. First there was a Fall Festival at my elementary school. Austin enjoyed the cake walk (even though we didn't win), but hated siting on the hay. The next day was the Fall Fun Fall at Rotary Park. Here Austin got to play some games. He loved the duck pond, and even tried to climb into it. He also enjoyed the fishing game. Grandpa even joined in on the fun. Tonight we are going to Fright Night which is a street fair one block from our house. It should be a good time. Pictures to come soon.
Austin was so quick to sit up and to crawl we thought he would have no problem with walking. He took 2 steps about a month ago and it freaked him out and now he doesn't want to even try. He loves cruising on the furniture and walking if you hold both his hands (and it has to be BOTH). Grandma sent him his hippo for his birthday and he loves pushing it. Maybe this will give him some more confidence to walk by himself!
So Scott and I found the perfect costume for Austin for Halloween. We were so excited to get it (it was ordered online). It is such a great costume, except Austin HATES it!! So I guess we are sending it back, and are back to finding a new costume for him!
For the most part Austin has been a good eater. He is starting to get a little more picky about his foods though. We continue to offer him lots of new foods. Here was his first try with spaghetti. I thought he was going to get a lot messier than he did!
We hope you enjoy taking a step into some of Austin's Adventures. Each day he grows and learns new things. It is exciting to see his achievements . So many of his family and friends live so far away, hopefully this will keep you more updated in his life.